Our aim is to initially provide you with a financial assessment and plan that is totally specific to you.

We adopt a holistic approach when assessing your financial situation, taking into consideration your needs and objectives and your tolerance to risk, before preparing a plan that is suitable for you.



Presentation & Explanation




Superannuation is an investment for your retirement and choosing the right fund can make all the difference. We can help you navigate the minefield of options, consolidate multiple existing accounts and manage your funds professionally. We can also provide advice around self-managed super funds and whether this would be an appropriate strategy for you.

Risk Insurance

Did you know that most Australians are grossly underinsured? The unfortunate reality is that all of us will be affected by some kind of trauma in our lifetime, either personally or with someone close to us. We can assist you in making sure that you and your loved ones are covered when this happens, by completing a needs analysis, including type and level of cover needed, and helping you choose insurance which is relevant and beneficial. This could include personal insurance such as life, TPD, trauma cover and income protection, and/or business insurance such as key person, partnership protection and business expenses.


Deciding how to invest your hard-earned money can be a daunting process; there are many different options when it comes to investing. We can assist you to make informed and confident investment choices, in areas such as shares, managed funds, mortgage funds and direct property strategies, and we can manage your portfolio to relieve some of the stress and help you achieve your financial goals. We take a long-term approach to investing and focus on the end goal rather than getting too caught up in short term gains or setbacks.

Retirement Planning

There are many different strategies available to prepare you for retirement and choosing the right ones at the right time can make a big difference in your post-retirement lifestyle.  We can discuss your desired income in retirement and advise you about the different strategies available at certain age milestones and as you decide to retire, including transition to retirement, income calculations and projections, and government age pension entitlements in order to maximise the income available to you. We are happy to liaise with Centrelink on your behalf and help you get the most out of the capital that you do have to retire on.

Estate Planning

As important as it is to have a long-term financial plan whilst you are alive, it is equally important to plan for how your estate should be managed after you pass away or become incapacitated. This can sometimes be a difficult topic to discuss. We can help guide you through this process and get you in touch with other professionals who can get the appropriate documentation prepared for you.

Tax Advice

While we are not tax agents, we can provide advice relating to tax-effective strategies such as transition to retirement or salary sacrificing options. We also have professional relationships with tax accountants we can refer you to, or we are happy to work alongside your existing tax accountant to ensure you are in the best position possible at tax time.

Ongoing Service

Our journey doesn’t end once everything has been implemented for you. YV Financial Services takes pride in its ongoing client relationships through regular interactions and reviews. We are here to journey with you for life and are able to offer you continual proactive advice and information on changes in the industry that is directly relevant to you because we keep up to date with your current circumstances.

Professional Partnerships

We understand that at times it may be necessary to engage the services of multiple professionals to cover different areas of your financial needs. We are more than happy to work alongside professionals you already have relationships with or we can provide you with referrals to our trusted partners, in the areas of:

  • Accountants
  • Mortgage Brokers
  • Direct Property Investments
  • Solicitors